
Since my first attempt was such an epic failure, I'm going to try this again. This time, I have more defined goals in mind, and am hoping that I can get some friends on board (since we're back in the States now) to help keep me accountable. I will start today, July 14th, 2012, which gives me until April 11, 2015.

It seems forever away, but as I learned the first time, it goes FAST! In the meantime, I've edited my list in the sidebar according to what I got accomplished (not much), until I can get my revised list completed and posted.

My Countdown!

-3626 days 21 hours and 36 minutes left

Monday, January 11, 2010

An update (finally) ...

So now that it's a new year and all, I'm finally able to sit down and write some updates! And boy are there updates!

The first, and most life-changing, is that we completed one goal a little earlier than planned!

12 - Get pregnant again!

We found out on October 19th that we're going to be parents again! I know it's taken me a while to post it, but we wanted to tell family over the holidays before announcing it. I've also struggled with morning sickness throughout December, so I'm just now starting to get productive again!

6 - Get down to a healthy weight for me
This will obviously have to wait a while. I did start this pregnancy out at a few pounds lighter than #1, and at 16 weeks (tomorrow), I've yet to gain back the weight I lost in the first trimester, so I'm on track to have a much healthier gain this time. My goal is to gain less than 25 pounds, preferably between 20 and 25. And then, I will still have time left in my 1001 days to work on getting this goal DONE!

21 – Purchase Jeffery’s 3 month pictures
This was done for us! Neal's mom and dad purchased many of these, as well as his 6 month pictures, and put them in an album for us for Christmas! What a beautiful and precious gift! I'm so in love with it! I can't wait to add even more!

54 – Organize my recipe collection and send copies as requested
I've gotten most of my recipes put in one place now, and only need to further organize them for easier viewing. But we're also working on making a mini book for a couple of friends.

63 – Pack away my maternity clothes
Obviously, these got pulled back out. The good thing is that with an upcoming move, I now already know exactly what I'll be packing and what I'll be keeping with me, so it kinda makes life easier. But I almost wonder if we jinxed ourselves by finally getting these put away?!?

64 – Reorganize my pantries and clean out my fridge/freezer
We're currently working on whittling away our canned/boxed goods, as we're about to move, and won't be able to take most of them with us. We've already completely cleaned out the deep freezer, and reorganized the smaller one. This will be an ongoing project over the next several weeks.

69 – Buy a house
Yay! We've already started looking for houses in our new area, and are only waiting to get closer before really starting the process hard and heavy!

82 – Treat myself to a spa day
Neal and I did this for ourselves while we were home visiting during the holidays. We had a day all to ourselves, with mani/pedi's and a couples' massage that was heavenly! It was our Christmas gift to each other!

A few things that I'm still working on:

2 – Post at least once a week (with photos where I can)
Obviously, the timing is still not working, but I'm trying to get there!

4 – Drink at least 6 glasses of water per day on a consistent basis
Most days are close, but still a goal to work toward!

19 – Post on our family blog at least twice a month
I've gotten a little better about this, but still working on frequency!

25 – Call Tiffany and Ellen at least once every other month
I need to call both just to catch up, and am going to attempt to do so better once we're back in the States for good!

32 – Learn Italian
This is going to get harder once we leave, but I refuse to give up!

40 – Make Jeffery’s UT quilt
Still cut and ready to go, just need to make the time to finish it!

42 – Make sampler baby burp cloths
Neal has been helping me cut the fabric out, so all I have to do is sew them.

50 – Make burp cloths for all Gaeta ladies currently expecting or new moms
I've just given out two more gifts today, have one to give, and two more that are newly pregnant! After those two, I'll be done with gifts, and can focus on just samples and new stuff!

65 – Get credit score up to 750 or higher
This is obviously a constant battle!

66 – Register JC as a business, get tax ID #, etc. – become “official”
We met with an attorney while we were home about this, and we're going to get going on it full time in March! We're currently attempting to come up with a business name for an umbrella corporation.

Lastly, here are a few of the things that are being put on the back burner for a while:

5 – Learn to do a proper pushup, and be able to do at least 20 at a time
This is on hold for obvious reasons!

34 – Post on my Janie’s Creations blog at least once a week
I'm holding off on this just because of the upcoming move, although I still plan on posting here and there as much as I can.

35 – Start writing again
Ditto above

43 – Come up with more baby item ideas
Same as above, although I have tons of things in mind to try out eventually.

51 – Catalog all my cake decorating supplies and replenish what I need
This can wait a while, too.

67 – Make Janie’s Creations (JC) profitable
I'm just having fun, making gifts, and trying new things for now. Not going to worry about making it profitable until I have the time to really devote to it.

68 – Get my notary status reinstated, and start doing closings again
Same thing. We're going to put this one on hold for a while, with all that's going on in this next year.

99 – Learn how to cultivate roses
This one's obviously on hold for a while too, though I will ask for a rose bush or two when we purchase our new house!

That's all the updates I have for now, and a good place to work from! Hopefully I'll be able to accomplish a good amount in the coming year, and just have a few things to catch up on during the last little bit. We'll see!

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