
Since my first attempt was such an epic failure, I'm going to try this again. This time, I have more defined goals in mind, and am hoping that I can get some friends on board (since we're back in the States now) to help keep me accountable. I will start today, July 14th, 2012, which gives me until April 11, 2015.

It seems forever away, but as I learned the first time, it goes FAST! In the meantime, I've edited my list in the sidebar according to what I got accomplished (not much), until I can get my revised list completed and posted.

My Countdown!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Another update

I'm so seriously bad with this, but I am keeping up, just not posting much. Little by little, I'm chopping away at things. Here are the most recent ones:

19 - Post on our family blog at least twice a month

I'm currently working on posting more regularly on the family blog. We'll see how this works out. Of course, I'm about to go home for a few weeks, but I'll try to blog while I'm there too.

62 - Get back to planning meals on a regular basis and using my plan (4+ weeks in a row)

I've been planning, and besides a glitch here and there, have been following it for the most part. This is the first week that I've followed it and had dinner planned each and every day, but I'll try to keep it up. Again, leaving town might put a kink in this, but I'm going to try my hardest not to let it.

63 - Pack away my maternity clothes

This is DONE! They are all boxed up and ready to be carried to the third floor. It even inspired us to pack up winter clothes and baby clothes that Jeffery has outgrown. I'm going to the Exchange tomorrow to get more Rubbermaid bins. YAY!

That's it for now. I'm currently working on a list of projects to finish before heading back home, so I likely won't be doing too much with this list for now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A few changes

I deleted my 101 list that I had posted on Feb 24th. I finally figured out how to add my list into the sidebar, so I put it there. I should have added "Learn how to use Blogger better" to my list. But that is a great side-benefit to doing this. I will learn more just by using it.

This week's update: I suck at keeping up with blogging now that I'm a mom. But that's beside the point.

6-Lose the rest of my baby weight and get down to a healthy weight for me (5/5, 0/25)

I finally lost that last pound last week, and am now on to the more challenging part of my weight loss. I have managed up to this point without working out regularly (mainly just walks and watching what I eat, as well as breastfeeding). Now comes the hard part!

24-Call Grandma Osgood at least once a month

This one will start today, as it is my Grandmother's birthday. I plan to call her today (though I may wait until tomorrow, as usually everyone is calling her today and it gets rather crazy), and then keep up with her better. I also need to send her some pictures of the Little Man.

41-Write on Jeffery’s baby pillow

I WILL do this today. This will literally take less than five minutes, and I keep letting my nervousness of messing it up psych me out from doing it. I will come back later today or tomorrow to put that one in Bold!

50-Make burp cloths for all Gaeta ladies currently expecting or new moms

I did two of these for one of the ladies who had a little boy in March. Her shower was yesterday (she went into early labor and we had to reschedule the shower), and they turned out awesome! However, I just realized earlier today that I forgot to take pictures. Argh! I've already emailed her to ask if I can get a picture soon, and I'll post it when I do.

I was so proud because the two cloths took less than an hour to make, and it really motivated me to do some more. My plan this week is to get back to my daily cleaning schedule so I have more time to do these projects.

I didn't put this one in bold because I still have quite a few to do.

63-Pack away my maternity clothes

We went through these two weeks ago, and while they're not officially packed away, I am only waiting to get another Rubbermaid bin big enough, so I have put it in bold. I need some sense of accomplishment!

That's all for now, but I am hoping to really start whittling this list down this week. Now that I only have one thing going on (pictures with the Easter Bunny tomorrow, I can't pass that up), I am seriously focusing on home and family.