
Since my first attempt was such an epic failure, I'm going to try this again. This time, I have more defined goals in mind, and am hoping that I can get some friends on board (since we're back in the States now) to help keep me accountable. I will start today, July 14th, 2012, which gives me until April 11, 2015.

It seems forever away, but as I learned the first time, it goes FAST! In the meantime, I've edited my list in the sidebar according to what I got accomplished (not much), until I can get my revised list completed and posted.

My Countdown!

-3626 days 11 hours and 53 minutes left

Monday, February 23, 2009

My 101

In the interest of actually becoming productive with my life, as well as getting some of my big projects done, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and create a 101 list. The gist of it is that you come up with 101 things you want to do, and write them as goals to be completed within 1001 days. It's taken a while to make mine, but this is a great project for me, as I always have all these great ideas, but am nowhere near organized enough to tackle any of them. Maybe now I can.

Starting today with my list, my due day will be November 21, 2011. Anything that's currently in progress will be in bold. Anything done will be in Italics (it will also have the completion date beside it). I may change this, as I figure out the formatting for my blog.

I will post my list tomorrow, as I can't seem to copy and paste into Blogger without weird formatting. I'll have to work on that.

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