
Since my first attempt was such an epic failure, I'm going to try this again. This time, I have more defined goals in mind, and am hoping that I can get some friends on board (since we're back in the States now) to help keep me accountable. I will start today, July 14th, 2012, which gives me until April 11, 2015.

It seems forever away, but as I learned the first time, it goes FAST! In the meantime, I've edited my list in the sidebar according to what I got accomplished (not much), until I can get my revised list completed and posted.

My Countdown!

-3626 days 22 hours and 11 minutes left

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hi, my name is Janie, and I'm a procrastinator ...

Yes, there should be, and probably is, an AA for procrastinators! Or for people who start things and never finish, or just take forever to finish. I swear I will finish this list to the best of my ability by the time those 1001 days are over!

The good thing is that most of the things on my list are life goals anyway, so even though I may not update as much as I should, I'm still working on them. So here goes:

2 – Post at least once a week (with photos where I can)

I've been horrible about posting on any of my blogs lately, and I'm determined to catch up. It likely won't be immediately, as we're about to go traveling, but I'm hoping to post at least twice a month from here on.

3 – Be consistent with workouts (at least 3 times a week)

I have actually managed this! Granted, they're not the workouts I was originally intending (in the gym, weight lifting), but as long as I'm getting some sort of exercise at least 3 times a week, I'm good. I've been alternating among Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred videos, walking for an hour around our neighborhood, and doing yoga at home. I'm just hoping to keep it going from here on.

5 – Learn to do a proper pushup, and be able to do at least 20 at a time

I now can do a proper pushup, still working on the 20 at a time thing!

19 – Post on our family blog at least twice a month

I've been much better about this, but still not where I'd like, so I'm not going to consider it completed yet.

21 – Purchase Jeffery’s 3 month pictures

I'm actually going to go backward here, and put this back on the list as not even started yet. We're so behind on pictures right now! We still have some from January (his 3 month), May, and are having more taken later this month while we're home, so we'll have even more! Yeah, that's a project for later!

25 – Call Tiffany and Ellen at least once every other month

I'm starting this one this month. Tiffany's first anniversary was yesterday, so I'm going to call her to wish her a happy anniversary, and going to be letting them both know that we'll be home visiting soon. I need to get better about keeping in touch. I keep up with Ellen here and there on Facebook, but Tiffany is hard to track down.

28 – Host the family Christmas

Christmas is going to have to be next year, but we ARE hosting Thanksgiving this year - yay! We're renting a cabin in the Smoky Mountains, and having both families over for the big meal and Black Friday shopping at the outlets! I'm uber excited about this one, as we have tons of gifts to give, hopefully will have news about orders, and tons to catch up on! I can't wait!!!

30 – Find an online program to take classes from

I'm actually taking classes right now to become a certified Financial Advisor. It's not easy, I have to take exams, and I still have to get in 700 (700!) practicum hours, but I'm loving it!

34 – Post on my Janie’s Creations blog at least once a week

Like I said earlier, I've been horrible about posting. But I've been even worse about taking pictures of my stuff. I do have a couple more things to be made, however, so I will DEFINITELY take pictures this time, and post them on my blog.

35 – Start writing again

I've decided to participate in this year's Nanowrimo, and attempt to at least get the pumps primed for writing again. I don't expect much out of my November project (after all, we'll be traveling during this time too), but it will hopefully get me in the writing mindset.

40 – Make Jeffery’s UT quilt

I'm not actively working on this (sidetracked by several baby projects and getting ready to travel), but I did get everything cut out and ready to start. I'm hoping to get going on it when we get back home. And definitely want it completed by the time we move back to the States next Spring.

42 – Make sampler baby burp cloths and 50 – Make burp cloths for all Gaeta ladies currently expecting or new moms

This has been the hardest thing to do, as every time I make some, someone else pops up pregnant, or I find another reason to give them away! On the upside, I sold several at a community bazaar a couple weeks ago. And I'm caught up on all the babies around here! On the downside, there are several newly pregnant people that I need to start working on now. It never ends!

53 – Bake at least once a week

FINALLY! One project that has NOT been a problem. I find that even when I'm not focusing on it, I end up baking more now that Jeffery's a bit bigger. He even sits in his highchair with me in the kitchen, playing with measuring spoons, while I mix. And last week, he had his first take of chocolate chip cookie dough! mmm!

61 – Use my daily planner on a consistent basis

This hasn't been a problem either. It's become my brain lately! It's been so helpful!

62 – Get back to planning meals on a regular basis and using my plan (4+ weeks in a row)

Surprisingly, along with losing brain cells from being a Mommy, I've learned that this is not just great for organization, but a necessity if we're going to eat!

64 – Reorganize my pantries and clean out my fridge/freezer

Currently in progress, as I'm trying to use up all the perishable foods before we leave. I'm hoping to organize everything that's left when we get back. We're going spartan for our last few months here, and I intend to try to use as much as possible of what I already have!

65 – Get credit score up to 750 or higher

This has been a NIGHTMARE! Just around the time all three of my scores broke 700, I had a collector post a fraudulent account to my report, and I'm still working on getting them to take it off. I've even enlisted the help of a lawyer! Needless to say, this is a long process.

66 – Register JC as a business, get tax ID #, etc. – become “official”

We're going to be talking to someone while we're home about doing this, as well as my Pampered Chef business. We want to start an LLC, with both my PC and JC businesses under that umbrella. I'll update once we figure out how to do that.

67 – Make Janie’s Creations (JC) profitable

This is actually slowly beginning to happen. Like I said above, I managed to sell a few baby items at a local bazaar, and I have a few orders in for more burp cloth sets. I have also FINALLY listed a few items on etsy , so it's getting there!

87 – Have a ladies’ gtg at my house

I've backed this one up as well. I tried to do one before, but it fell through. And now with moving in the next few months, I'm going to put it on the back burner until we get settled in our new area.

90 – Get a new computer with a valid copy of MS Office on it

Thanks to my amazing husband, I now have a laptop with the latest version of Office, as well as the Microsoft 7 operating system. I am in love!

95 – Have a daily quiet time

I've been pretty good about this, ever since starting a new routine in the mornings. And I always have access to C. H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotions, so I can at least have a few moments in each day. It's really helped to improve my perspective toward each day, and I feel much more productive!

99 – Learn how to cultivate roses

This came as a surprise, as Neal brought two rose bushes home this past summer. They were getting rid of them at work, so he thought I'd enjoy them. They were in sorry shape, and immediately went into shock, but after babying them with some water, pruning some dead branches, and pulling weeds, they perked up wonderfully! I never knew how easy roses were! I still plan on learning more about them, but it's a start!

Wow! That was an update! You can see I've been up to a ton lately, I just haven't sat down to record it all. So I'll be updating my sidebar with what's been accomplished, started, stopped, etc. Thanks for sticking with me so far!