
Since my first attempt was such an epic failure, I'm going to try this again. This time, I have more defined goals in mind, and am hoping that I can get some friends on board (since we're back in the States now) to help keep me accountable. I will start today, July 14th, 2012, which gives me until April 11, 2015.

It seems forever away, but as I learned the first time, it goes FAST! In the meantime, I've edited my list in the sidebar according to what I got accomplished (not much), until I can get my revised list completed and posted.

My Countdown!

-3626 days 22 hours and 11 minutes left

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Plugging along

Well, I swear this is one of the hardest things to do, updating this blog regularly. I'm awful about this kind of stuff. Jeffery's also been teething, so he's been a little more needy the last week-plus.

3-Be consistent with workouts (at least 3 times a week for a month)
This was obviously the first thing that went with a busy week last week. I decided that I'm going to stop attempting to get to Yoga, as it just seems too difficult to get Little Man on a regular schedule in the afternoons. Instead, I'm going to try and get back to free weights. Neal and I bought a bar and some weights this week, and we're hoping to get enough equipment to get me a really good workout at home. This seems like the best possible scenario. Between that and walks around the neighborhood, I should be able doing well.

5-Learn to do a proper pushup, and be able to do at least 20 at a time
Neal and I are both going to try and do a program called "100 pushups" starting soon. We'll see how it goes. I still haven't read up too much on it.

6. Lose the rest of my baby weight and get down to a healthy weight for me (4/5, 0/25)
I've lost another pound, so I'm down to one more pound of baby weight left. Then it's off to the races for the 25 pounds I want to lose after that. I'm still right on track for now, so all is looking good. Hopefully, with Spring and Summer coming up, it should be relatively easy to keep up with.

51-Catalog all my cake decorating supplies and replenish what I need
I have the catalog done, and I even threw out some of the older stuff. Neal said he'd buy some more of my supplies for my birthday, so I'm working on the replenishment part.

70-Go through my clothes/shoes and donate what I don’t want/use/doesn’t fit (be ruthless)
Neal and I finally got around to doing this on Sunday. The freaky huge box of clothes that I've had squirreled away is finally gone! I threw out a bunch of clothes, am donating a ton, and only kept a couple of things. I'm so proud!

90-Get a new computer with a valid copy of MS Office on it
Does it count that we just went ahead and bought a new copy of Office? We're waiting to buy a new computer until we get home.

Man, this is hard stuff!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An update

So I'm not so good at this blogging weekly thing. I'd like to blame it on being a new mom, the crazy stuff that comes up on a daily basis, or the fact that March is always busy, but it's solely my own fault. I take the time to check emails, Nest, and do other computer stuff. So I don't really have an excuse.

Anyway, here are a few things that I'm currently working on or have already completed:

6. Lose the rest of my baby weight and get down to a healthy weight for me (3/5, 0/25)
I'm down to 157 from starting this at 160. I officially started on this one on 3/2 at 160 pounds, and am already ahead of my goals. Following the one pound per week rule, I intend to be down to 130 by Jeffery's first birthday. By the way, I have before pictures for this one, but I'm so not going to post those until I have some awesome after pictures!

31. Look into the Spouses to Teachers program
I called about this today, and the program is getting revamped to go worldwide in April, so they couldn't do a ton for me. But I got some great information, and know where to begin now. The good news is that it looks like I can finally start working on my R.D. certification. I just need to find a school to do it with. That will be fun.

42. Make sampler burp cloths
I started making some of these, then realized that I need more supplies. JoAnn Fabrics here I come!

I totally plan on doing more in the coming week. I'm off to a slow start, but I'll pick up speed.